A Curated Collection of Stories, Images, & Cool Products, All Inspired by the Art of Banksy.
Why We Love Banksy
Using striking stencil art and profound imagery, Banksy has captured the interest of art lovers, activists, and graffiti artists around the globe. At WUDN, our appreciation for Banksy goes back years.
I think his art is smart, not to mention cool, and his politics are spot on.
This article tells a little backstory and highlights some of his most famous art and events.
Appreciating Banksy
Below is a a simple recreation of the original "There is Always Hope" aka “Girl with a Balloon” painted (graffitied) of the side of a dirty wall in the neighborhood of Bristol England. While the image may symbolize loss, the text clearly tells us that no amount of loss can eliminate hope.
We took some Mahogany and laser engraved this beautiful image on the back of a phone case. I love it for the simplicity, beauty and a little hope that the image offers.
What is Banksy's real identity?
They say Banksy's real name is Robin Gunningham. First reported by The Mail in 2008. If Banksy really is Robin Gunningham, he was born on 28th July 1973 near Bristol and is now believed to be living in London.
And I hope this information goes nowhere. First, leave him the hell alone. Second, if you mess with this, the magic might stop. Seriously, don't touch it.
Whoever he is, (and oh, don’t we so badly want to know)
Still anonymous: in 2010 Time magazine selected the British artist—graffiti master, painter, activist, filmmaker and provocateur—for its list of the worlds’ 100 most influential people, he joined the company of Barack Obama, Steve Jobs and Lady Gaga. Of course, he provided a pic with a paper bag (recyclable, naturally) over his head.
In my view, he has done more than any of them to change the culture (not just in the US or the UK) and spark a global discussion of what it means to be speak up against the inherent unfairness that has crept into our society and basic economics of capitalism. He prods the popular conscience. Give the man a blank surface and behold the anti-authoritarianism, but without the anger; more thought provoking and sly. Banksy’s work isn’t designed for them, it’s designed for us.
Whoever he is, (and oh, don’t we so badly want to know) he delights in the inconsistencies of his image. “The art world is the biggest joke going,” he has said. “It’s a rest home for the overprivileged, the pretentious, and the weak.”
Why does Banksy hide his identity?
Banksy is a famous - but anonymous - British graffiti artist. ... Street art and graffiti can be considered criminal damage, so in the beginning it's thought the artist stayed anonymous to keep out of trouble.
“I have no interest in ever coming out,” he has said. “I figure there are enough self-opinionated assholes trying to get their ugly little faces in front of you as it is.” Still, he posts news clips on his Web site, alongside video footage of successful stunts. He wants us to “know”, without the applause or a pat on the back. Banksy makes it clear how badly everyone else has really sold out. All of them.
Is Banksy Rich?
According to Celebrity Net Worth, the artist Banksy's net worth is $50million (£39.6million).
12 years after hitting the scene, in 2002, Banksy had his first gallery exhibition in Los Angeles at the 33 1/3 Gallery. From there, Banksy became a fixture on the art scene, with his pieces going for big prices at auction.
Pop star Christina Aguilera bought one of his works for £25,000.
Banksy Shreds “Girl with a Balloon” in a Giant and Awesome FU to the Art World
So, we all know Banksy pulled, arguably, the greatest stunt the fine art world has ever seen. To catch you up, Banksy installed a shredder inside the frame of one of his most iconic pieces of art, Girl with a Balloon. In his own words: “In case it ever went up for auction”.
Well, it did go up for auction at Sotheby’s in London. As soon as the gavel fell, (at a record $1.4M sale price) the painting (remote control detonated) started beeping and promptly shredded the bottom half of the painting. While the original plan, as detailed in Banksy’s own behind the scenes video, was to completely shred the entire canvas, only the bottom half was destroyed. In the end, he destroyed nothing, and simultaneously created something new and even more valuable. The buyer says she will complete the transaction and keep the work. Of course she will; it’s worth twice what she paid. It’s no longer just a painting. This image is now a part of high-art history and will be forever. She owns the event—even though the artist literally hates her and everyone else in the room at Sotheby’s that fine day.
Shredding the Girl and Balloon - The Director’s half cut
These morons will buy anything
Maybe you think this is all about PR and self-promotion. Let me assure you (IMHO), this was nothing more than a giant FU to the fine art world. Banksy is on record saying: “These morons will buy anything”.
Ralph Taylor, a specialist in the Sotheby’s contemporary-art department, said of Banksy, “He is the quickest-growing artist anyone has ever seen of all time.” Banksy responded to the Sotheby’s sale by posting a painting on his Web site. It featured an auctioneer presiding over a crowd of rapt bidders, with the caption “I can’t believe you morons actually buy this shit.”

Banksy Molotov Flowers
This London piece of a protester throwing a bouquet of flowers may be Banksy’s most famous piece thus far. The remarkable idea behind this piece is the use of unexpected weapons. The protester fights not with a grenade or other harmful device, but with an innocent bouquet of flowers. This suggests we may be able to get more done by negotiating kindly, not malevolently.
This appeared in Jerusalem in 2003 and is perhaps one of Banksy’s most well-known pieces. To many people it is a symbol of peace and hope in the face of adversity and destruction. The masked rioter is throwing not a “Molotov Cocktail” but a bunch of flowers and the image was featured heavily in Banksy’s 2005 book entitled “Wall and Piece”.

Banksy Astronaut
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Banksy Bad Panda
Although this is widely believed to be a work of Banksy when it appeared outside a pub in Bristol and is supposedly one of Banksy’s most famous pieces, the ‘Panda With Guns’ is probably not a work of Banksy at all. Some people attribute it to a French artist by the name of Julien Fanton D’Andon, who purportedly produced it for a record label called ‘Bad Panda’. Whether or not this is a Banksy, the ‘Pandas with Guns” just cannot be left out of this list!

Banksy Soldiers Graffiti Peace Sign
Probably Banksy’s most notorious anti-war work, CND Soldiers first appeared in 2003 outside the UK Houses of Parliament during an anti-war protest. At the time the UK’s involvement in the Iraq war had been brought to light, and the fact that millions of people, including soldiers, protested against the invasion was reportedly ignored.
The work depicts two soldiers painted in the artist’s black and white stencil trademark style on a monochromatic background. Whilst one soldier holds a machine gun on lookout, the other is painting a large peace symbol in red paint – the only colored element in the image. The satirical juxtaposition of soldiers and their guns alongside the iconic peace sign is intended to make the viewer question the army’s role of ‘keeping the peace’.
Having spent a little time in the military myself, this piece is brilliant. Let us not forget who pays the costs of war.

A Collection of Banksy Themed Lifestyle Products
You might think Banksy would hate a phone case made from his art. Maybe he would hate it. Maybe he would appreciate his art being used on an object we all hold so dear. Either way, I took my inspiration from Banksy himself. Behold, my personal favorite:
"The Bad Artists Imitate, the Great Artists Steal."
-- Pablo Picasso Banksy

Cameron Christian, Owner, WUDN
(Probably some Style, Food, Liquor, Tech, and the Outdoors)
I think Banksy is pretty dope.